Bigfoot DNA Tests Prove Hairy Creature Exists, Genetic Researcher Says
Posted: 11/28/2012 11:03 am EST Updated: 11/28/2012 11:35 am EST
Bigfoot is real. At least that's what veterinarian Melba S. Ketchum claims after a five-year study of more than 100 DNA samples that she believes comes from the elusive hairy beast.
Under Ketchum's direction at DNA Diagnostics in Nacogdoches, Texas, a team of researchers has concluded that the creature may be a human relative that somehow developed around 15,000 years ago as a result of a hybrid cross between Homo sapiens with an unknown primate.
Ketchum's research has yet to stand the scrutiny of independent researchers. While many people have claimed to have seen the creature, its existence has never been confirmed, despite a plethora of photos and footprints. The ongoing search is the subject of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot" television series.
"Well, it came to me, I didn't go after it, that's for sure," Ketchum said of the evidence of Bigfoot's existence in an exclusive interview with The Huffington Post. "I did not believe in these creatures. But my lab did a lot of animal testing, and we did species identification. We didn't have any hits on anything interesting until five years ago."
Ketchum's professional work includes nearly 30 years in genetics research and forensics. After her team attempted DNA sequencing of hair samples from an alleged Bigfoot encounter, they found some unusual things in the hair. But there wasn't enough DNA to conclusively verify what they were seeing.
DNA Diagnostics received more samples to investigate -- including hair, blood, saliva and urine, all reportedly from various Bigfoot sightings.
Watch this "Finding Bigfoot" promo about a reported Sasquatch in a Vermont apple orchard
Ketchum's team consists of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging and pathology. The researcher said she believes that over the past five years, the team has successfully found three Sasquatch nuclear genomes -- an organism's hereditary code -- leading them to suggest that the animal is real and a human hybrid.
Ketchum's study showed that part of the DNA her team sequenced revealed an unknown primate species, she said, which suggests that Bigfoot is a real creature that resulted from this primate "crossing with female Homo sapiens."
"They're not any of the large apes -- they branch off as a separate lineage," Ketchum said. "My personal theory is that it probably branched off and evolved in parallel with the rest of the primate lineage."
The overall results of Ketchum's study will soon be revealed, she said, after a peer-reviewed journal is published. But skeptic Benjamin Radford is dubious about the outcome of this latest attempt to give credibility to the existence of Bigfoot.
"If the data are good and the science is sound, any reputable science journal would jump at the chance to be the first to publish this groundbreaking information," Radford, the deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, wrote in
Radford suggests that if the mitochondrial DNA is identical to Homo sapiens (modern humans), it could mean one of two things.
"The first, endorsed by Ketchum, is that Bigfoot ancestors had sex with women about 15,000 years ago and created a half-human hybrid species currently hiding across North America.
"There is, however, another, simpler interpretation of such results: The samples were contaminated. Whatever the sample originally was -- Bigfoot, bear, human or something else -- it's possible that the people who collected and handled the specimens accidentally introduced their DNA into the sample, which can easily occur with something as innocent as a spit, sneeze or cough," Radford wrote.
Not so, counters Ketchum.
"Early on, we started getting human results on the mitochondrial DNA -- that's maternally inherited and it can show where you're from," Ketchum said. "Different labs had already tested alleged Sasquatch samples, and all of these labs were getting human results, so they just threw it out.
"We split the samples with another forensic lab -- one worked on it manually while the other did it robotically, extracting the DNA -- and we ran several tests to confirm there was no contamination. And we ended up getting human sequences on many samples."
In, Radford pointed out that since "There is no reference sample of Bigfoot DNA to compare it with, by definition, there cannot be a conclusive match."
Ketchum's work isn't the only ongoing research project aimed at trying to confirm, through DNA, the existence of Bigfoot.
In the U.K., researchers from Oxford University and the Lausanne Museum of Zoology are examining alleged Bigfoot remains to test for unusual DNA. Their results will be submitted to a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
One theory about a possible explanation for Bigfoot or Sasquatch is that it could turn out to be a large primate called Gigantopithecus, 9-foot-tall apes that presumably went extinct around 100,000 years ago.
"My working hypothesis has always been that this is very likely Gigantopithecus extant -- that we have a species that's in the right place at the right time, the right size and some of the right characteristics in the form of Gigantopithecus in East Asia during the late Pleistocene [era] to have expanded into North America," said Jeff Meldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University.
"It's not a matter of belief or wishful thinking -- it's a matter of the preponderance of the evidence, be it eyewitness accounts, footprints or hair that defies identification or attribution to known species," Meldrum told HuffPost.
"We're waiting for the results in studies that are ongoing, looking at potential DNA evidence -- DNA sequences extracted from samples of hair and blood and tissue. All of these things are the basis and motivation for undertaking this kind of approach," he said.
Meldrum, author of Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, is skeptical of most Bigfoot videos that show up on YouTube.
"In this day and age of cellphones, smartphones and Handycams, why aren't there more pictures? And there are, but it's also a testament to the fact that most people are lousy photographers, even if they're composed long enough to snap a picture in that brief instant of an encounter with something strange and unusual like this."
Watch this news report featuring anthropologist Jeffrey Meldrum
If a peer review of Ketchum's findings eventually confirms Bigfoot's existence to the satisfaction of the scientific community, she's adamant about what the next step should be.
"I’d like to see them have the same protections as any other human as far as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of their own happiness, meaning that they be left alone and not put under a microscope, not hunted, not harassed, not chased through the woods -- leave them alone," she said. "They’ve existed for thousands of years this way and don’t need habitats set aside. They’ve lived under our noses all this time."
Check out these reported Bigfoot images through the years
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8 minutes ago (11:42 PM)
its not that hard to accept that bigfoot exists.. thought to be extinct creatures are discovered or new species discovered in the last decade or so... heck recently this same new outlet posted about some thought to be extinct species.. type in extinct but not for google search. What is unusual is the claimed number of sightings all over the world and remains anywhere like ever?!! I hike alot alot alot - i just took a week and walked 92 miles of AT, I bushwhack off trail at home in some real wild country in east Tn and haven't seen a dead yes dead no. I saw a dead deer once a dead possum on the trail but u just don't stumble across dead animals and I have 1000s of wilderness miles logged. I don't know where they go to die, or if they get eaten but don't kid yourselves there is a lot of UNKNOWN out there... big foot is possible but I won't believe it til I see it.
12 minutes ago (11:37 PM)
Vermont? I always thot Big Foot was a Sierra myth. Hmmm Hard to argue with anything that keeps people busy and off the street and working, smile.
16 minutes ago (11:33 PM)
The last ' fer sure ' photograph turned out to be a BIRD flying too close to a camera lens. * facepalm *
24 minutes ago (11:25 PM)
They "exist" yet all we've seen are grainy, blurry and far away video/pictures of people in a gorilla suit. Yeah he's real..
11 minutes ago (11:38 PM)
The lead photo looks to be an out of focus pic of one of the cement turtles with rocks that you get across the border in Mexico.
31 minutes ago (11:19 PM)
I attended a Texas BFRO meeting in Tyler in Oct. 2011. The usual stuff you see on TV all the time. Some of the same "experts". They were selling books, t shirts, hats, coffee mugs etc. Admission 20 bucks. Boring. They have produced a cottage industry off of this nothing deal.
32 minutes ago (11:17 PM)
now the democrats have a new target to tax the hell out of . poor bigfoot . well you had a good run . sorry dude .....
35 minutes ago (11:14 PM)
This is all very interesting to me since - although I don't really know what to make of it - I've seen one and walked abreast him, with a friend of mine, for about 15 minutes walking along a river. All I can tell you is they DO exist. My friend and I agree that we got a very clear and specific message from this being that he was friendly, and NOT a threat.It was, oddly, very nice to walk a way with him. He disappeared instantly as if vaporized. There one moment and seemingly just stepped through a hole and was gone.
23 minutes ago (11:26 PM)
Three explanations for your sighting and sudden disappearance:1. He/she stepped into another dimension.
2. He/she fell into a sink hole.
3. Scotty beamed it up.
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10 minutes ago (11:39 PM)
Dude--whatever you were smoking, don't worry--it'll soon be legal in whatever state you live in.
38 minutes ago (11:11 PM)
It's fun to think there may be a bigfoot, but you have to answer this:If these animals are real, where are the dead ones? And how man live ones can there be? they have to reproduce.
6 minutes ago (11:44 PM)
There are billions of humans on the planet. How many dead ones have you found?Most likely, they dispose of their dead. There are many theories on how they do this. If they exist, then there is a breeding population. There have been sightings all throughout the U.S. Some of those sightings involve multiple creatures.
44 minutes ago (11:05 PM)
One may wonder how no one has ever found a dead bigfoot or at least the bones of one that aren't a million years old. Maybe they are blessed with immortality.
45 minutes ago (11:04 PM)
One more.. Big Foot and a racoon are in the woods taking a dump next to each other. The Racoon says " Hey Big Foot, you ever get sh** stuck to your fur?" Big Foot grabs the racoon, wipes his butt and says "Nope"
46 minutes ago (11:03 PM)
There is no way something like that could hide, there are very few new species of anything found now days much less something that large. Almost all of the the 'new' species found each year are in the ocean and that is logical since humans cannot just walk around on the bottom of the deepest trenches in the ocean.
Of the very few new animals found, almost all are smaller than a human hand, also logical since they are not easy to see.
There have only been about one dozen large-ish new mammals found since 1900 and half of those were in china in forbidden regions. of the other 6 they were just different type of rabbit, monkey or bat.
The odds of something hiding from 7 billion + humans is almost zero.
30 minutes ago (11:20 PM)
why does no one ever address the population that would have to exist for even one or two to be sighted over the last forty years. no such thing as bigfoot, just as much proof of a flying teapot in orbit....or god for that matter.
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8 minutes ago (11:41 PM)
Not "almost zero"--LESS than zero.
47 minutes ago (11:02 PM)
Hey Big Foot, if your out there somewhere, reading this.. You should be robbing banks buddy, cause they can't catch ya.
48 minutes ago (11:01 PM)
This just in, the Church will be setting up missions to spread the word of jesus to these poor lost half sons of God.
But that neglect has consequences. In 2011, a Craigslist seller in Phoenix advertised the skull of a 12- to 14-year-old child that he had purchased at a garage sale. Both of those sales were perfectly legal.
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