WKEU Radio – The Rock – 88.9 FM / 1450 AM – Griffin, Georgia
Local Radio Programming in Griffin, Georgia, USA
Investigators with the Spalding County Sheriff’s Office issued a lookout for a missing/endangered person Friday afternoon then canceled the lookout later after Mr. William “Billy” Barrettage 56 of 1114 E. McIntosh Road Griffin was found close to his home. He had been missing since August 23, 2012. Mr Barrett is 5 feet 6 inches in height and weighs 150 pounds. He is in good condition and has been returned home. WKEU would like to thank Sheriff Wendell Beam and his deputies for their assistance to those of our community in need and for their support to our community each day.
Sheriff Wendell Beam reports that his Investigators with the Sheriff’s Office have arrested Lisa Marie McKneely, 35 years old, of 106 Autumn Ridge Drive Griffin for Financial Identity Theft, Forgery, Theft by Deception, Theft by Conversion. These charges resulted from a 2 month long investigation and numerous complaints from citizens who hired Mrs McKneely to file their 2012 Tax Returns. According to the complaints Mrs McKneely filed the tax returns and had the money from the returns sent to her account and failed to pay her customers what was owed from their 2012 Taxes. Mrs McKneely also used the identity of other’s to make payments on her bills and converted monies for her own use.
Investigators are informing the community that if anyone had any business or personal financial dealings with Mrs McKneely to please contact Investigator Tony Little of the Spalding Sheriffs Office at 770-467-4282.
Investigators are informing the community that if anyone had any business or personal financial dealings with Mrs McKneely to please contact Investigator Tony Little of the Spalding Sheriffs Office at 770-467-4282.
The 2012-13 Teachers of the Year will be honored at a reception on Tuesday, September 4, at 5 pm just prior to the regular board of education meeting.
“We are very proud of all of our GSCS school-level Teachers of the Year,” said Dr. Curtis Jones, Superintendent of the Griffin-Spalding County School System. “They set the highest standard of teaching and learning in our schools.”
The Teachers of the Year are:
Anne Street Elementary – Kim Giddens
Atkinson Elementary – Amanda Franklin
Beaverbook Elementary – Kathy Johnston
Cowan Road Elementary – Michele Granger
Crescent Elementary – Jocena Avery
Futral Road Elementary – Marsha Gamble
Jackson Road Elementary – Andrea Woodroof
Jordan Hill Elementary – David Brewer
Moore Elementary – Kendra Banks
Moreland Road Elementary – Tracy King
Orrs Elementary – Diane Whatley
Carver Road Middle – Felicia Pittman
Cowan Road Middle – Julie Evans
Kennedy Road Middle – Shelley Worley
Rehoboth Road Middle – Sonja Sands
Z. Kelsey Academy – Tonga Releford
Griffin High – Dr. Edward Ramseur
Spalding High – Yvonne Reid
The Achievement Center – Kristi Smith
Mainstay Academy – Tracie Miles
The city of Griffin Commissioners will meet on Tuesday for a work session at 10 am and again Tuesday evening for the regular meeting at 6 pm in the city offices downtown.
During the morning session the Commissioners will discuss calculations of the 2012 assessments and update on current appeals. And Update as well as the status on the board of Equalization 2010 and 2011 appeals.
At the evening meeting the board will receive public comments regarding a request for a variance from the City of Griffin Code in relation to minimum yard setback requirements for the property located at 130 West Cherry Street effectively reducing the rear yard setbacks from the minimum required 25 feet to 10 feet.
The Commissioners will also consider approval second and final reading of an ordinance amending the Code of Griffin at Chapter 82, Taxation, Article III, Excise Tax on Hotels.
Consider Second and Final Reading of an Ordinance amending the Code of Griffin at Chapter 44, Media Productions.
Consider Second and Final Reading of an Ordinance amending the Code of Griffin at Chapter 44, Emergency Management.
Consider a request for a variance from the City of Griffin Unified Development Code Minimum Side Yard Setback Requirements under Medium Density Residential (MDR) for the property located at 130 West Cherry Street effectively reducing the rear yard setbacks from the minimum required 25 feet to 10 feet.
Consider purchase of eight (8) traffic counters from lowest and best bid, Industrial Safety, LLC, in the amount of $21,725.00 for the Public Works & Utilities Department.
Consider a Task Order Form in accordance with the Master Services Agreement with Florence and Hutcheson for civil engineering design, surveying and bid documents for the wing wall repair at Heads Creek Reservoir in an amount not to exceed $16,700.00.
Consider a General Agreement with for the tree trimming services.
Consider a Lease Agreement between the City of Griffin and Tru-Check, Inc. for office space at the city office bulling downtown.
Consider the purchase of a Ford Transit Connect Van from Speedway Ford in the amount of $21,483.86 for the Information Technology Center, and amend the budget accordingly.
Consider a Resolution adopting the five-year update of the 2006 Griffin Town Center Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) study.
Consider approval for Commissioner Dick Morrow to attend the GMA Fall Legislative Policy Council and Board of Directors Meeting in Pine Mountain, Georgia on October 5 & 6, 2012.
The opening of Central Registration in the new Parent Services Center at 234 East Taylor Street (the former Taylor Street Middle School) means one stop for parents to enroll all their students.
“Monday, August 27th, marks the beginning of improved customer service in the Griffin-Spalding County School System, said Josh Griffis, Director of Administrative Technology.
“In the past, parents needing to register their children for school traveled to the appropriate school. If the parent had an elementary, middle, and a high school student, the parent was required to complete the same paperwork three times” said Griffis.
Beginning on Monday, parents who need to register their children for school bring the required documents to the Central Registration office and complete the paperwork once per family.
The end result for parents will be more consistent and accurate management of student and family data in the student information system.
In addition to increased convenience for parents, Central Registration will move a significant burden from the school office staff to the Central Registration staff and Student Services staff.
Griffis said, “During the cost containment process for FY2013, we looked for ways we could reduce the workload of understaffed school offices. Centralized registration was an idea that came out of that process and was later approved by the board of education.
“Central registration will handle the registration of students as well as processing address changes, emergency contact changes, Infinite Campus parent portal issues, etc. Many school districts across Georgia have already implemented central registration including some of our neighbors such as Butts County, Coweta County, and Fayette County.”
In the coming weeks, additional departments will be relocating in phases to the same building at 234 E Taylor to truly make the building a service center for parents. These include ESOL services, Pre-K, Student Services, School Nurse Program, School Psychologists, School Social Workers and the Title I Parent Resource Center.
Griffis continued, “Once all the departments have transitioned to the new Parent Services Center, it will be a one-stop shop for parents and students needing a host of services and resources. Locating all of these services in one building will help meet our strategic objectives of partnering with parents, partnering with students, and becoming a more reliable organization.”
The GREAT BULLDOG hut was held Thursday night at the University of Georgia Griffin Campus. The Griffin Spalding Literacy Commission, The Griffin Police Department, Spalding Sheriffs Department, The University of Georgia Griffin Campus, and WKEU FM the rock 88.9 have joined forces to promote literacy in our community. Sponsors and supporters of literacy donated Hundreds of dollars in prizes that were given away during the big hunt. The hunt started at dark around 8:30 and lasted until about 10:30.
It took a while for the first Bull dog to be found. It was located buy Allen Harris and family of Griffin and they claimed prizes that totaled $460.00.
Bull dog Number 2 was found by Kerry Smith and Tammy Smith of Griffin their prizes totaled $545.00 for number 2.
Number 3 was found by Tony and Michele Boggus of Griffin. Their Bull Dog was worth $619.00 in prizes.
Number 4 was claimed by Brett Upson, Samatha Johnson, and Will Morgan of Griffin. Number 4 contained $750.00 in prizes
Number 5 went to Amber Zimmerman, Jamie Reece, and Jenna Rogers of Williamson. Number 5 had $1021.00
The Big Number 6 was found by Rusty and Jennifer Spear of Griffin. The last Bull Dog was the biggest and contained more than $1300.00 in prizes.
The host for the evenings Great Bull Dog Hunt was Terri Huddleston, Bonnie Pfrogner, and Cindy Jones. Dr. Jerry Arkin of the UGA Griffin Campus was also present during the hunt and Sheriff Wendell Beam of the Spalding Sheriffs Department, a sponsor of the Hunt, was present to remind every one to enjoy the great family event and be safe by observing all traffic signs, signals and speed limits. Joe, Grubbs, David Huddleston were in charge of operations for the Hunt, and the Engineers for the evening was Ted and Lee Taylor of WKEU FM The Rock 88.9 Georgia Public Radio that donated the time, equipment and personnel to make the broadcast possible. All money raised by the Griffin Spalding Literacy Commission Great Bull Dog Hunt is used to fund teachers, and the literacy programs conducted off campus of the Southern Crescent Tech College.
The Sponsors of the Broadcast and Hunt are each huge supporters of Adult Education and Literacy in our Community. We would like to again thank them for making the hunt possible through their generous donations, and prizes they gave to make the great family event possible.
Be sure and join WKEU for the Black Cat Hunt in October.
Concert to benefit local organizations.
There will be a Big Band Benefit Dance at Griffin High School Saturday, September 15, 2012.
The Dance will benefit three local organizations: Five Loaves and Two Fishes Food Pantry, Griffin High School Culinary Arts Department, and, through the sale of raffle tickets, the Spalding County Alzheimer’s Association.
Bobby Bunn has advised WKEU’s Bill Taylor that all of the monies raised at this event will directly impact Spalding County Citizens and the Spalding County community has pitched in to make this fund raiser a great success. Churches, schools, businesses, civic organizations, and dance clubs have all assisted.
Bunn said that he specifically wanted to thank Dr. Jerry Arkin, Dr. Christopher and the UGA Griffin Campus Staff for their help, as well as many others for the tremendous generosity. Make plans not to attend the great Big Band Benefit Dance at the Griffin High School on Saturday September 15, 2012. Funds raised will go to the Five Loaves and Two Fishes Food Pantry, Griffin High School Culinary Arts Department, and through the sale of raffle tickets the Spalding County Alzheimer’s Association.
Sheriff Wendell Beam has advised WKEU news that on Monday, August 20th, 2012, Robert Lee Seay, age 56 of 37 Johnston Road, Griffin was arrested and charged with Possession of Child Pornography. Seay was arrested by members of the Spalding County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigative Division and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
He was arrested following information from The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. During the investigation two separate pornographic videos were sent to an undercover agent “chatting” with Seay on the Internet. During Seay’s arrest numerous movies and photographs of people under the age of 18 were found in his possession.
An Amber alert was issued on Tuesday involving a Moore Elementary Student Sereinty Hutcherson within Hours the Child was recovered by the Griffin Police Department. 
A Levi’s Call (Amber Alert) was activated by Griffin Police Department on behalf of Serinity Hutcherson a Moore Elementary Student on Tuesday Morning. The Child taken from the school on Tuesday Morning about 11:45 at Moore Elementary School in Griffin by her father. Chief Frank Strickland and Major Terry Brock said that investigators and uniformed personnel had been working on the case all day Tuesday. Renargo Hutcherson the father of Serinity turned himself into the Griffin Police Department late Tuesday afternoon. Major Brock said that the child was returned to her mother and that Hutcherson has been placed in the Spalding County Jail.
A lookout had been issued for Hutcherson’s Gold Ford Contour at the time of the alert. Griffin Police also issued a statewide lookout for the vehicle and it’s occupants, Major Brock said that all officers were actively searching the entire area for the vehicle.
The suspect Renargo Hutcherson is described as a black male age 35, brown eyes and brown hair about 6 feet tall and 225 pounds.
WKEU news talked with Superintendent Dr. Curtis Jones late Tuesday and we were advised that Police were told by Hutcherson’s wife that there was some type dispute between them and a restraining order issued and did not advise the school. When Hutcherson stopped at the school to pickup the child apparently they were unaware of the restraining order and the child was released.
WKEU news would like to thank Chief Frank Strickland, Major Terry Brock and the Griffin Police Department for their quick work on this case and for what they do every day for our citizens.
A Levi’s Call (Amber Alert) was activated by Griffin Police Department on behalf of Serinity Hutcherson a Moore Elementary Student on Tuesday Morning. The Child taken from the school on Tuesday Morning about 11:45 at Moore Elementary School in Griffin by her father. Chief Frank Strickland and Major Terry Brock said that investigators and uniformed personnel had been working on the case all day Tuesday. Renargo Hutcherson the father of Serinity turned himself into the Griffin Police Department late Tuesday afternoon. Major Brock said that the child was returned to her mother and that Hutcherson has been placed in the Spalding County Jail.
A lookout had been issued for Hutcherson’s Gold Ford Contour at the time of the alert. Griffin Police also issued a statewide lookout for the vehicle and it’s occupants, Major Brock said that all officers were actively searching the entire area for the vehicle.
The suspect Renargo Hutcherson is described as a black male age 35, brown eyes and brown hair about 6 feet tall and 225 pounds.
WKEU news talked with Superintendent Dr. Curtis Jones late Tuesday and we were advised that Police were told by Hutcherson’s wife that there was some type dispute between them and a restraining order issued and did not advise the school. When Hutcherson stopped at the school to pickup the child apparently they were unaware of the restraining order and the child was released.
WKEU news would like to thank Chief Frank Strickland, Major Terry Brock and the Griffin Police Department for their quick work on this case and for what they do every day for our citizens.
The Spalding County Commissioners met Monday Night at six pm in the meeting room of the courthouse annex. During the meeting the Commissioners welcomed Barry Gooden from the National Weather Service who presented a Storm Ready certification award. The Georgia StormReady local Advisory Board voted to approve the recognition of Spalding County on becoming a StormReady County. The StormReady Recognition is valid through June 30, 2015.
The Commissioners also approved: the Financial Statements for the period ended July 31, 2012.
Approved on first reading, amending the Spalding County Code of Ordinances, in relation to No Thru Truck Designation, to include both North Pine Hill Road and South Pine Hill Road.
The Commissioners approved: a new 2012 Alcohol License- Retail Sales of Beer and Wine for Christopher Allen Brannon of Buddy’s 19 South located at 1779 Zebulon Rd. This business has changed ownership; therefore a new alcohol/business license is needed.
Also approved was a request of Kincaid Memorial United Methodist Church to close Tank Street between Peachtree Street and Popular Street on Sunday, September 16, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. and to allow parking on both streets during this time. Kincaid Memorial United Methodist Church will be celebrating their 100th year Church Anniversary.
The Commissioners also approved: the reappointment of EMS Director Paul Beamon to the Region IV Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council for a term to expire August 20, 2013.
Fire Chief Kenny West was reappointed to the Region IV Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council for a term to expire August 20, 2013.
Lt. Jeff Head was reappointed to the Region IV Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council for a term to expire August 20, 2013.
The Commissioners also discussed at length the Spalding County Employee Incentive Program as recommended by the Budget Review Committee and decided it needed additional work on the document.
They discussed the Longevity Pay Criteria and felt it needed additional changes. County manager William Wilson was asked to make changes and bring both items back to the board at a later date.
The Commissioners Canceled: the September 3, 2012 Regular Meeting since it falls on Labor Day Holiday.
Canceled: the October 1, 2012 Regular Meeting due to a conflict with the 2012 ACCG Legislative Leadership Conference.
The Commissioners set September 8th as the date for the Mid-Year Board of Commissioners Follow-Up Retreat. As part of the Spalding County Board of Commissioners Retreat of February 18, 2012, the Commissioners requested having a follow-up retreat to analyze goals set at that time.
Commissioners also approved submitting a letter to Clerk of Superior Court requesting a formal update regarding the 2010 & 2011 appeals issued to the Board of Equalization.
The Commissioners approved a Policy establishing guidelines and regulations for training and travel expenditures for incumbent commissioners that have not been re-elected during the time following the date the results of the Primary Election are announced.
The Commissioners tabled for further review: the recommendation from the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission to establish facility room fees & criteria for complimentary use of pavilions and facilities.
A request from Stalwart Films, LLC was approved to close the Line Creek Road Bridge for a 48 hour period during the period of August 29th thru August 30th. Stalwart Films is filming scenes for the AMC cable, science fiction, drama series “the Walking Dead.” In order to close the bridge, traffic would have to be rerouted. Sheriff Beam has presented a potential re-route plan and Public Works will display proper signage.
The Commissioners went into closed Executive Session to discuss or deliberate on the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring, disciplinary action or dismissal, or periodic evaluation or rating of a county officer or employee to discuss pending or potential litigation, settlement, claims, administrative proceedings, or other judicial actions brought or to be brought by or against the county or any officer or employee or in which the county or any officer or employee may be directly involved.
The Commissioners also approved: the Financial Statements for the period ended July 31, 2012.
Approved on first reading, amending the Spalding County Code of Ordinances, in relation to No Thru Truck Designation, to include both North Pine Hill Road and South Pine Hill Road.
The Commissioners approved: a new 2012 Alcohol License- Retail Sales of Beer and Wine for Christopher Allen Brannon of Buddy’s 19 South located at 1779 Zebulon Rd. This business has changed ownership; therefore a new alcohol/business license is needed.
Also approved was a request of Kincaid Memorial United Methodist Church to close Tank Street between Peachtree Street and Popular Street on Sunday, September 16, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. and to allow parking on both streets during this time. Kincaid Memorial United Methodist Church will be celebrating their 100th year Church Anniversary.
The Commissioners also approved: the reappointment of EMS Director Paul Beamon to the Region IV Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council for a term to expire August 20, 2013.
Fire Chief Kenny West was reappointed to the Region IV Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council for a term to expire August 20, 2013.
Lt. Jeff Head was reappointed to the Region IV Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council for a term to expire August 20, 2013.
The Commissioners also discussed at length the Spalding County Employee Incentive Program as recommended by the Budget Review Committee and decided it needed additional work on the document.
They discussed the Longevity Pay Criteria and felt it needed additional changes. County manager William Wilson was asked to make changes and bring both items back to the board at a later date.
The Commissioners Canceled: the September 3, 2012 Regular Meeting since it falls on Labor Day Holiday.
Canceled: the October 1, 2012 Regular Meeting due to a conflict with the 2012 ACCG Legislative Leadership Conference.
The Commissioners set September 8th as the date for the Mid-Year Board of Commissioners Follow-Up Retreat. As part of the Spalding County Board of Commissioners Retreat of February 18, 2012, the Commissioners requested having a follow-up retreat to analyze goals set at that time.
Commissioners also approved submitting a letter to Clerk of Superior Court requesting a formal update regarding the 2010 & 2011 appeals issued to the Board of Equalization.
The Commissioners approved a Policy establishing guidelines and regulations for training and travel expenditures for incumbent commissioners that have not been re-elected during the time following the date the results of the Primary Election are announced.
The Commissioners tabled for further review: the recommendation from the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission to establish facility room fees & criteria for complimentary use of pavilions and facilities.
A request from Stalwart Films, LLC was approved to close the Line Creek Road Bridge for a 48 hour period during the period of August 29th thru August 30th. Stalwart Films is filming scenes for the AMC cable, science fiction, drama series “the Walking Dead.” In order to close the bridge, traffic would have to be rerouted. Sheriff Beam has presented a potential re-route plan and Public Works will display proper signage.
The Commissioners went into closed Executive Session to discuss or deliberate on the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring, disciplinary action or dismissal, or periodic evaluation or rating of a county officer or employee to discuss pending or potential litigation, settlement, claims, administrative proceedings, or other judicial actions brought or to be brought by or against the county or any officer or employee or in which the county or any officer or employee may be directly involved.
Spalding County recycling centers will be closed on Fridays. This decision was made by the Board of Commissioners as a cost-cutting measure to balance the County’s budget during fiscal year 2013. According to County Manager William Wilson, approximately $35,000 in savings will be realized.
Currently the centers are closed on Wednesdays and Sundays, a move made last fiscal year by the Board to help balance the FY 2012 budget. By closing the centers on Fridays it will allow County staff to perform necessary maintenance on the compactors and completely empty all the containers in preparation for Saturday. The Friday closing will also allow the county to utilize the landfill for disposal at lower tipping fees as compared to the transfer station fees.
For questions or additional information, please contact County Manager William Wilson at 770-467-4233.
Currently the centers are closed on Wednesdays and Sundays, a move made last fiscal year by the Board to help balance the FY 2012 budget. By closing the centers on Fridays it will allow County staff to perform necessary maintenance on the compactors and completely empty all the containers in preparation for Saturday. The Friday closing will also allow the county to utilize the landfill for disposal at lower tipping fees as compared to the transfer station fees.
For questions or additional information, please contact County Manager William Wilson at 770-467-4233.
Ms. Gloria Brownlee age 58 of Wilti Road Griffin, Ga
Sheriff Wendell Beam is asking for your assistance in locating a missing / possibly endangered person, 58 year old Ms. Gloria Brownlee of Wilti Road Griffin, Georgia. Brownlee has been missing since July 4th, 2012 and officials and family members are concerned about her health needs. Ms. Brownlee suffers from Alzheimer’s and may be in a confused state of mind. Anyone with any information pertaining to the whereabouts of Ms. Brownlee are urged to contact Sgt Sheryl Brown at 770-467-4282 or call your local Law Enforcement Agency. Ms. Brownlee stands 5’5”, weighs 170 pounds, has black hair and brown eyes. Ms. Brownlee was last seen wearing a orange shirt, black pants and polk-a-dot socks with pink curlers in her hair.
The Georgia Public Service Commission has released its 2012 Summer Residential Rate Survey. Central Georgia EMC continued its trend by being ranked one of the lowest cost electric utility providers in the state. The Georgia Public Service Commission survey reveals Central Georgia EMC as the third lowest provider among Georgia’s 42 EMC’s and fourth lowest when compared to all 95 electric providers at the 2000 kWh consumption level. The average electric rate for all 95 utilities was $229.71 as compared to Central Georgia EMC’s $184.78.
At the 1500 kWh level, again Central Georgia EMC ranked third lowest when compared to other EMCs and fifth lowest when compared to all electric providers. The average rate for all 95 utilities at the 1500 kWh consumption level was $172.08, compared to CGEMC’s rate of $142.59.
“As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, owned by the customers we serve, Central Georgia EMC strives to provide quality service and reliable, affordable power,” stated President George L. Weaver, Weaver stated to WKEU News that “Our board, staff, and employees work diligently to keep rates as low as practicable by making solid decisions as we carefully diversify our energy mix.”
More information regarding the Georgia Public Service Commission’s survey results can be found on the Georgia Public Service Commission’s website at www.psc.state.ga.us/electric/surveys/residentialrs.asp.
At the 1500 kWh level, again Central Georgia EMC ranked third lowest when compared to other EMCs and fifth lowest when compared to all electric providers. The average rate for all 95 utilities at the 1500 kWh consumption level was $172.08, compared to CGEMC’s rate of $142.59.
“As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, owned by the customers we serve, Central Georgia EMC strives to provide quality service and reliable, affordable power,” stated President George L. Weaver, Weaver stated to WKEU News that “Our board, staff, and employees work diligently to keep rates as low as practicable by making solid decisions as we carefully diversify our energy mix.”
More information regarding the Georgia Public Service Commission’s survey results can be found on the Georgia Public Service Commission’s website at www.psc.state.ga.us/electric/surveys/residentialrs.asp.
Stephen Brehaut confessed to
Stephen Brehaut has confessed to intentionally setting the fire that destroyed the Lighthouse Restaurant July 10. He admitted to setting the fire to collect insurance money. He has been charged with one count of insurance fraud in addition to the one count of first degree arson. He Confessed to Fire Marshall Glenn Allen of the office of insurance commissioner Ralph Hudgens.
Allen had no information on how much the 28-year-old restaurant was insured for or who the beneficiaries were. It is unlikely that any insurance will be collected by any party due to the arson confession.
There are unconfirmed reports that security video is part of the evidence against Brehaut. WKEU would like to thank Walter Geiger and the Barnesville Herald Gazette for their assistance in this news story. You can subscribe to the Herald Gazette on line at Barnesville.com
A Clayton County Superior Court Judge has sentenced Jonathan Bun, who was 17 at the time of the slaying of Clayton Deputy Sheriff Richard Daly who lived Pike County to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The sentence was rendered on Thursday Jonathan Bun was given the maximum sentence possible with an additional 70 years for the killing of the 55-year-old Daly, after a traffic stop on July 20, 2011. Daly had more than 25 years of law enforcement experience with the Clayton County police and sheriff’s departments.
Clayton District Attorney’s office said that they would have sought the Death Penalty “If the U.S. Supreme Court had not said we could not. Bun’s had several previous criminal cases as a juvenile dating back to when he was a pre teen.
WSB TV news said that Bun did not show “any remorse” when the sentence was handed down. As Bun approached the Judge with his attorney Lloyd Matthews, he apologized to Daly’s family.
Cheryl Daly, the wife of the Deputy Rick Daily, wished no mercy on Bun she and her daughter, who also asked the court to apply the stiffest penalty possible.
As reported on WKEU earlier this year. A Clayton Jury found Bun guilty of murder in May. He testified during his trial that he had no idea that an individual walking to his friend’s car was a deputy before he started firing.
The Fairmont Community Center Adult Education program is the culmination of a partnership between Spalding County, Spalding Collaborative, Griffin Housing Authority, and Southern Crescent Technical College. This collaboration along with a steering committee composed of grassroots community leaders serves as the backbone of the Educational Prosperity Initiative. With the assistance of representatives from local churches, Fairmont High Alumni Association, NAACP, and the Griffin Police Department, the initiative will target the needs of the community based on the voices of the community. This initiative focuses on providing resources and opportunities to residents of Griffin-Spalding, including adult education, after-school tutoring, job training, and more. The group hopes to strengthen the relationship between education and community.
Beginning August 21, 2012, Adult Education classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Fairmont Community Center. Registration is scheduled for August 21, August 23, August 28, and August 30 from 9:00pm-12:00pm. All interested persons are encouraged to attend one of these sessions prior to class. More information about the classes can be obtained by calling 770-229-3176.
Subjects to be taught include basic reading, writing, mathematics, and preparation for taking the General Educational Development (GED) test. All instruction, books, and materials will be free of charge.
The GED Test is a group of five subject tests that certifies the successful test-taker has high school level academic skills. The credential is recognized by most educational and business organizations as the equivalent of a high school diploma. There is a charge of $160 for the entire GED exam or $32 for a single subject. GED scholarships are available to pay for these costs for eligible students.
A vehicle accident Monday morning at the intersection of Huntington Subdivision Driveway and CarverRoad resulted in the driver of one vehicle being air lifted to an Atlanta Hospital for treatment. The accident occurred about 8:00 Monday Morning. Units of the Spalding Sheriffs Department, Troopers of the Griffin Post of the Georgia State Patrol, Spalding Regional EMS, Spalding Fire Department, and Emory Air Flight Helicopter Ambulance responded to the scene. Initial reports indicated that a GMC Yukon was traveling south on Carver road and attempted a left turn into the Subdivision. The vehicle collided almost head on with a Toyota Pickup Truck. The Driver of the Toyota was transported to the Atlanta Medical Center by Emory Air Flight based at the Griffin Spalding Airport. It was not known as to the condition of the patient that was airlifted. The incident remains under investigation and more information is expected to be released later by the Georgia State Patrol.
Monday children of school age returned to school for the 2012 – 2013 school year. Teachers and staff reported to a week before the students in preparation of the new school year. WKEU new talked with Sheriff Wendell beam who said he wanted to remind everyone to be especially aware of the school kids that will be walking to bus stops, and perhaps walking to and from schools in their neighborhood.
Many parents will be using the after school programs offered at schools to pickup their child after hours when they get off from work. WKEU news talked with several kids recently who stated they were looking forward to the new school year and seeing their friends again.
Meals state wide for kids will take on a new look this year with more fruits and vegetables. WKEU Talked with Anna Burns of the Griffin School System who said that at least 10,500 students are anticipated by the Griffin Spalding School system this year.
Again WKEU Chief Frank Strickland, and Sheriff Wendell Beam reminds everyone to be sure and watch for our children as they start their new school year and observe your speed especially in early morning and each afternoon as our children report to schools, bus stops, and return home in the afternoons.


The UGA Griffin Campus is having a Blood Drive on Tuesday, August 14 from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the Stuckey Auditorium. There is still a nation-wide emergency appeal for blood. Patients of all types regularly need transfusions of blood products. Here are recent examples of patients who received blood products donated through the Red Cross:
o A new mother received 32 units of red blood cells, 15 units of cryoprecipitate, 10 units of platelets and 10 units of plasma after complications from childbirth.
o Two liver transplant patients were treated with a combined total of 40 units of red blood cells and 30 units of plasma.
o A patient undergoing a cyst removal received 60 units of red blood cells and 9 units of platelets.
o Four units of platelets, 15 units of red blood cells, 30 units of plasma and 48 units of cryoprecipitate helped stabilize an organ transplant patient.
o An organ transplant patient received 30 units of red blood cells and 40 units of plasma.
The UGA Griffin Campus is having a Blood Drive on Tuesday, August 14 from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the Stuckey Auditorium. There is still a nation-wide emergency appeal for blood. Patients of all types regularly need transfusions of blood products. Here are recent examples of patients who received blood products donated through the Red Cross:
o A new mother received 32 units of red blood cells, 15 units of cryoprecipitate, 10 units of platelets and 10 units of plasma after complications from childbirth.
o Two liver transplant patients were treated with a combined total of 40 units of red blood cells and 30 units of plasma.
o A patient undergoing a cyst removal received 60 units of red blood cells and 9 units of platelets.
o Four units of platelets, 15 units of red blood cells, 30 units of plasma and 48 units of cryoprecipitate helped stabilize an organ transplant patient.
o An organ transplant patient received 30 units of red blood cells and 40 units of plasma.
In nearby Fayette County the celebration is continuing . John Munford captured the feelings of not only the Fayette residents but our entire area as he reported in the Fayette Citizen, and we quote “It was a time to celebrate Thursday as Fayette County Olympic hopefuls Christian Taylor and Kelley O’Hara realized their dreams of capturing a gold medal at the 2012 London Olympic Games.
Taylor hoisted the American flag in victory after he was announced as the winner of the Triple Jump event, and O’Hara joined her teammates in belting out the national anthem on the medal stand to celebrate the women’s soccer team winning 2-1 over Japan.
Taylor graduated from Sandy Creek High School and O’Hara graduated from Starr’s Mill High School, and you can bet that former teachers along with thousands of friends and supporters tuned in live to watch their success.
The athletes events took place within an hour of each other.
“Thank you for all the prayers and support you have all given me. I give all the glory to my Lord. Without Him I am nothing!” Taylor wrote.
O’Hara said We did it!!!!!! Everything is gold and nothing hurts,” O’Hara wrote on twitter.
Taylor faced a challenge from the beginning, as he faulted on his first two jumps. His third jump put him in fifth place, but it was the fourth time that was the charm. He sailed 17.81 meters to take the lead from U.S. teammate Will Claye, who finished with the silver medal.
O’Hara, though stationed on defense, got involved in the first U.S. goal with a pass to Alex Morgan that was quickly redirected to the front of the net, where Carli Lloyd speared it in with a header.
Lloyd later would score the difference maker in the victory, sealing her name in the annals of Olympic history along with her teammates. The U.S. team also could revel in the fact that revenge was theirs, as Japan had beaten them in the World Cup last year.
After being declared the victor, Taylor went directly to the stands to thank his family and friends with hugs before lifting the flag high, victorious, in a brief sprint. It wasn’t a full victory lap, but it would more than suffice.
Afterwards, Taylor told The Washington Post newspaper that his eyes are now set on breaking the world record in the triple jump.
Congratulations to our great world champion Olympic athletes from WKEU and our entire listening area.
Special thanks to the Fayette Citizen and John Munford.
At :55 Tuesday morning units of the Spalding Sheriffs Department, Spalding Fire Department, Spalding Regional EMS, and Troopers from the Griffin Post of the Georgia State Patrol were called to the scene of a large accident on Bailey Jester Road. The massive accident involved two vehicles. A Chevrolet Silverado and an 18 wheeler. the Chevrolet Pickup slammed into the back of the 18 wheeler knocking the rear axle out of the trailer. The Pickup truck then overturned onto its top. Spalding Fire personnel worked for over 30 minutes to cut the driver from the cab of the crushed pickup truck. A call was made to Emory Air Flight and responders were told the weather had them grounded. The Driver had to be transported by ground ambulance to the Atlanta Medical Center. The severity of the injuries were not known at the time he was transported. More information is expected to be released later when the investigation is completed. The incident remains under investigation by troopers of the Griffin Post of the Georgia State Patrol.
Sheriff Wendell Beam has advised WKEU news that on May 21, patrol units of the Spalding County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1100 Chuli Road, Griffin, Georgia, reference to a death. When the officer’s arrived they met with Mr. Jimmy Ray Hartley who stated that his wife Janie Hartley had passed away. Sheriff Beam said his investigators were told by Mr. Hartley that his wife had fallen approximately two weeks prior to her death, and that he did not have time to call 911 to seek medical attention for her. Investigators learned that Mr. Hartley would feed his wife while lying in the same location up until her death. Because of the living conditions and the manner in which his wife was found, Mr. Hartley was taken into custody and charged with Reckless Conduct.
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The Spalding County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the communities assistance in locating subjects that have been involved in a “check cashing scam” in Spalding County, Troup County and the City of Senoia.
The suspect will enter different businesses and cash fictitious checks, all three suspects can be seen in photographs on WKEURADIO.COM website. that were provided to investigators by a local businesses. Anyone with any knowledge as to who these suspects are should contact their local Law Enforcement Agency or contact Investigator Tony Little at 770-467-4282.
The Spalding County Courthouse was a beehive of law enforcement activity just before 4 pm on Tuesday afternoon. Sheriff Wendell Beam said that a vague call was received at the 911 center that a bomb was in the courthouse. The facility was immediately evacuated and the building was combed for a bomb or suspicious device. Sheriff Beam advised WKEU about 5:55 that the entire building had been swept and combed for any suspicious device or package. None were found. Both Sheriff Beam and Griffin Police Chief Frank Strickland told WKEU news that the threat call was being further investigated, and calls of this type in the past have been traced and arrests later made. The news spread quickly and within a few minutes Atlanta TV stations were on the scene over head. The all clear was given shortly after 6pm.
The Griffin City Commissioners met Tuesday night at 6pm in the meeting room of the City Offices downtown.
During the City Commissioners meeting on Tuesday night the Commissioners recognized: Mary Matthews with the Customer Service Department as the July 2012 “Strongest Link” Award recipient. The “Strongest Link” Award is given monthly to a deserving employee who has demonstrated excellent performance and productivity, loyalty, professional pride and other noteworthy accomplishments.
The Commissioners also Recognized: Fire Chief Tommy Jones and Water Supervisor Terry Parker for 25 years of service to the City of Griffin. Each received a plaque and words of appreciation for their service. The City of Griffin Service Recognition Program recognizes and shows appreciation for long-term full-time employees. Employees with 25 or 30 years of service.
They also recognized: awards for Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Popular Annual Financial Report. These awards are in recognition of the financial reports and statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011. The City has received eight consecutive awards for the City of Griffin’s Finance Department.
A proclamation declaring August 15th as “Southside Rider’s Association Day” in the City of Griffin on behalf of their service for Griffin and Spalding County and it’s citizenry. This association has been extremely beneficial to the foster children of Spalding County by holding fund raising events for the Ronald McDonald House & the Tab Run. The Southside Riders Association was founded in 1998 and has a membership of over 70 motorcyclist ranging in age from 18 to 70 including police officers, airline pilots, politicians, business persons and blue collar workers. In just fourteen years the association has raised over $400,000 for local children’s charities.
A Resolution to transfer financial assets in the amount of $5,000,000 to Morgan Stanley Smith Barney to be managed by Sean Cain, from the MEAG Municipal Competitive Trust Short-Term Portfolio Flexible Operating Account. Changing the investment strategy to one of earnings generation and active investment management will provide the City with greater potential for interest income. Current strategy provides an estimated annual yield of 0.106 percent versus a future range of 3.0 to 4.35 percent. To quantify, a five million dollar investment strategy may yield between one hundred fifty thousand and two hundred fifty thousand dollars versus five thousand five hundred dollars earned for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012.
A Letter of Understanding to Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. (the “Purchaser”) to act as Underwriter on approximately $58,330,000 in City of Griffin (Georgia) Combined Utility Revenue Refunding & Improvement Bonds.
Budget amendments was approved by Resolution for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 in the amount of $4,010,500 for the rollover FY 2012 projects that are scheduled for completion in FY 2013. The budget amendments and resolutions amend OUT $4,010,500 from Fiscal Year 2011-2012 and amend IN $4,010,500 to Fiscal Year 2012-2013.
The Commissioners approved First Reading of an Ordinance amending the Code of Griffin for Excise Tax on Hotels. The amended Ordinance will completely replace the current Ordinance as recommended by J. Bryan Whitford, Senior Tax Specialist, The Resource Professional Group. The Ordinance has not, “been updated since 1968.”
The Commissioners also approved First Reading of an Ordinance amending the Code of Griffin at Chapter 44, Emergency Management, to authorize the City of Griffin to exercise emergency management powers within the City during declared states of emergency. This will include suspension of or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives and flammable liquids and substances.” However, this provision shall not authorize the City Manager or his designee(s) to regulate in any manner firearms or the possession, ownership, transport, carrying, transfer, sale, purchase, licensing, or registration of firearms or components or firearms, firearms dealers, or dealers in components of firearms.” The changes come after questions were posed by citizens regarding the legality and constitutionality of local governments regulating firearms “in any Manner.” This now complies with state law. The State Changed the guidance of the GEMA directives and deleted any reference to Firearms in total from State Guidance.
Approval was given at First Reading of an Ordinance amending the Code of Griffin at to establish a permitting system and standards governing commercial media production within the city limits. Currently the city uses the “Outdoor Events & Activities Permit” to coordinate any type of media production. This amendment aims to better manage the process for productions that wish to work inside the city. Significant staff time has been utilized by the most recent project, and while the city was glad to assist, it is reasonable to require a more defined process along with fees to offset the support afforded to the applicants. It is estimated the current media project will spend $125,000 to $150,000 per episode in Griffin.
Approval was made to a revision to the Utility Incentive Program, requiring participants in the program to make on-time utility payments or be removed from the program. This will reduce late payments from participants, improving cash flow, and remove those who pay late repeatedly from the discount program. The purpose of the Griffin Utility Incentive Program was to recruit new businesses to Griffin by offering discounted utility rates from Griffin Power, Water/Wastewater, and Solid Waste, and by waiving initial plan review fees from Planing & Development Services.
The commissioners approved the purchase of (250) 96-gallon containers for use in the Solid Waste Division from Consolidated Disposal Systems at a cost of $86.18 each, for a total of $21,545. This is a budget item and containers will be used for replacement of aging units as well as for new customers.
The Commissioners awarded best bid to Golf Ventures, Inc. for a riding greens mower in the amount of $32,995.00. $33,000 was budgeted for the mower. This is not the lowest bid but the only one that meets specifications requiring no hydraulics due to the new greens at the golf course.
The Commissioners approved a Task Order Form in accordance with the Master Services Agreement with Florence & Hutchenson, Inc. for inspection and condition assessment of roadway culverts in the amount of $12,800.00 and this is a budgeted item
The a request from the University of Georgia College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences for fiscal year annual support of the Griffin Campus Office of Continuing Education in the amount of $17,500.00. This is an annual budgeted item.
The Commissioners Approved the (LOST) Tax Distribution to the State Revenue Commissioner, allocating proceeds of the city/county local sales and use tax to be distributed as following effective January 1, 2013: City of Griffin shall receive 40.5%; County of Spalding shall receive 59.5%. There were no other changes. The previous distribution rate was 60% County and 40% City. The LOST tax has been in place for years and is vital to all City and County governments within the state.
The City of Griffin Board of Commissioners tabled an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Griffin and Spalding County for issuance of Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2012 the (Kroger Bonds), in the amount of $866,397. On April 12, 2012, the City adopted a resolution declaring its intent to issue TAD bonds to finance redevelopment cost in connection with the planning, development and operation of a retail project by the Kroger Company within the TAD district. This IGA outlines the City and County’s agreement to issue the bonds, have the positive tax increment paid to the City, who will in turn pay to the Board Trustee to satisfy the obligation of the bonds. There will be no financial impact to the City.
Work is still underway with many fund raisers to help save the RITZ Movie theater in Thomaston. The next fund raiser will be a Country Jamboree t be held August 18th and will feature the Slim Pickins Band. Local Entertainers will open the show with some of today’s best rock and country hits.The Blues Brothers and Sisters, as well as Sylvia Winters will perform along with the 88.9 FM The Rock and Texaco’s Country Showdown winner Jennifer Cintron of Radical Change. Don’t miss the great show to help save the Ritz Theatre an Icon in Central Georgia.

School Superintendent
On Auugst 14 the State School Superintendent Dr. John Barge has issued a statement about the constitutional amendment on charter schools:
“I fully support the continued creation of high quality charter schools for Georgia’s students, but after careful consideration of what is best for all of Georgia’s students, I have decided to take a position in opposition to the constitutional amendment that will be on the Nov. 6 ballot.
Until all of our public school students are in school for a full 180-day school year, until essential services like student transportation and student support can return to effective levels, and until teachers regain jobs with full pay for a full school year, we should not redirect one more dollar away from Georgia’s local school districts – much less an additional $430 million in state funds, which is what it would cost to add seven new state charter schools per year over the next five years (the annual average of the Charter Commission that would be revived if the amendment passes).
I cannot support the creation of a new and costly state bureaucracy that takes away local control of schools and unnecessarily duplicates the good work already being done by local districts, the Georgia Department of Education, and the state Board of Education. What’s more, this constitutional amendment would direct taxpayer dollars into the pockets of out-of-state, for-profit charter school companies whose schools perform no better than traditional public schools and locally approved charter schools (and worse, in some cases).
I trust our local school districts will continue to approve only high quality charter schools for Georgia’s students, and I am committed to working with all of our school districts to ensure that high quality applicants are not denied locally – including mediating between high quality charter school applicants and any local districts that are reluctant to approve them, as provided by existing Georgia law.”
The teachers association PAGE fully agrees with Dr. Barge in his support of high quality charter schools as well as his opposition to the constitutional amendment on charter schools. The amendment, in our view, is unnecessary, redundant and will draw millions of dollars from an already under funded and financially strapped public school system.
The 2012 Bulldawg Hunt will be held on August 23 on WKEU FM The Rock 88.9. There will be 6 Bulldawgs hidden all over Spalding County with many prizes. The Bulldawg Hunt is the largest literacy awareness event in Georgia, and will kick off as soon as it gets dark.
The Rock 88.9 FM will broadcast live from the University of Georgia-Griffin Campus on Experiment Street that night.
Throughout the hunt we will reveal clues about the location of six stuffed UGA bulldogs that are hidden in the community. Those who find the stuffed animals first will then need to bring them back to UGA-Griffin to receive the prizes for that Bulldawg.
Those packages, which increase in value from the first to the last bulldawg, include gift cards from area restaurants, mega tickets for the Spalding County Fair and an air-conditioner unit, along with many other prizes.
All proceeds of the Great Bulldawg Hunt will go to adult education for use in GED programs in Spalding County.
According to Griffin-Spalding Literacy Commission Executive Director Terri Huddleston, more than 2,500 vehicles were on the road for last year’s hunt in search of the stuffed animals, and about the same number, if not more, should be expected this year.
The Griffin Police Department, Spalding County Sherriffs Office and the Griffin Post of The Georgia State Patrol will be out in full force during the event to make sure that all traffic laws are being observed. Any driver who receives a traffic citation during the hunt will be disqualified from the event, along with all other occupants of that vehicle, for the remainder of the night.
Businesses, organizations and individuals interested in donating prizes to the Bulldawg Hunt can do so up until the day of the event.
Each donor will be recognized on air during the event, and those whose prize donation has a value of $150 or more will receive an additional marketing package which will include 18 radio announcements of 30 seconds each and 20 promotional announcements. In addition, the marketing package comes with one 30-second live announcement during the hunt.
The Rock 88.9 FM will broadcast live from the University of Georgia-Griffin Campus on Experiment Street that night.
Throughout the hunt we will reveal clues about the location of six stuffed UGA bulldogs that are hidden in the community. Those who find the stuffed animals first will then need to bring them back to UGA-Griffin to receive the prizes for that Bulldawg.
Those packages, which increase in value from the first to the last bulldawg, include gift cards from area restaurants, mega tickets for the Spalding County Fair and an air-conditioner unit, along with many other prizes.
All proceeds of the Great Bulldawg Hunt will go to adult education for use in GED programs in Spalding County.
According to Griffin-Spalding Literacy Commission Executive Director Terri Huddleston, more than 2,500 vehicles were on the road for last year’s hunt in search of the stuffed animals, and about the same number, if not more, should be expected this year.
The Griffin Police Department, Spalding County Sherriffs Office and the Griffin Post of The Georgia State Patrol will be out in full force during the event to make sure that all traffic laws are being observed. Any driver who receives a traffic citation during the hunt will be disqualified from the event, along with all other occupants of that vehicle, for the remainder of the night.
Businesses, organizations and individuals interested in donating prizes to the Bulldawg Hunt can do so up until the day of the event.
Each donor will be recognized on air during the event, and those whose prize donation has a value of $150 or more will receive an additional marketing package which will include 18 radio announcements of 30 seconds each and 20 promotional announcements. In addition, the marketing package comes with one 30-second live announcement during the hunt.
William Alfred McKinley
Friday morning (August 17, 2012) at approximately 8:10 Investigator John Hays was notified by a witness that they overheard a disturbing conversation while at the BP Station located at 436 North Expressway. The witness observed a white male customer in line with a handgun telling the store employee that “Jesus was coming today and he was going to take out some Jews”. He asked for the location of the Spalding County Courthouse and direction. The witness was able to obtain the vehicle description and tag number and passed this on to Investigator Hays. Sgt Hays placed a look-out for the subject and vehicle and notified Spalding County Sheriff Beam of the incident and that GPD was searching for the suspect. It was discovered that shortly after the incident at the BP Station the suspect came into the Spalding County Courthouse with a weapon and was advised by deputies working courthouse security to leave.
GPD officials notified the Domestic Terrorism Unit of Homeland Security. The suspect was located at his Spalding County residence on Bulldog Drive and taken into custody by members of the Spalding County Sheriff’s Office.
Sgt Hays has obtained warrants for William Alfred McKinley for Terroristic Threats and Acts and Possession of a Firearm during the Commission of a Crime. Additional charges are pending.
According to Sgt John Hays “McKinley’s threats and intent appear to be sincere and the rapid response was due largely in part of the witness coming forward and passing on the information”.
GPD would like to thank Sheriff Beam and his deputies in assisting us with arrest of Mr. McKinley.
About 4 pm on Sunday afternoon units of the Spalding Sheriffs Department, Griffin Police Department, Spalding Regional EMS, Spalding Fire Department, Trooper Traffic Investigator from the Griffin Post of the Georgia State Patrol, and Emory Air Flight Helicopter Air ambulance based at the Griffin Spalding Airport resounded to a 4 vehicle accident on the North Expressway. The accident scene was at the intersection of bowling lanes drive close to Ryan’s Restaurant. A Spalding County patrol vehicle being operated by Deputy Blake Custard struck the rear of a GMC Yukon, the impact knocked the Yukon into two other vehicles. Deputy Custard had to be extracted from the Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Car. He suffered head injuries, as well as bruises crapes and cuts. Emory Air Flight airlifted Deputy Custard from the scene to an Atlanta airport for treatment of injuries. He as alert and talking with Emory Medical personnel prior to being placed in the helicopter air ambulance. The incident remains under investigation by Troopers from the Griffin Post of the Georgia State Patrol. When ever there is a government vehicle involved in an auto accident it is standard procedure for the GSP to investigate the incident. More information is expected to be released as soon as the investigation is complete.
Locust Grove Man kills his live in girlfriend when he struck her with a puckup truck Sunday Morning.
Henry County authorities arrested a man accused of using his pickup truck to kill his pregnant girlfriend.
Brian Feltman, 27, has been charged with murder and feticide amid allegations that he intentionally ran down Megan Pope, 27, just before 6:30 Sunday morning.
The scene was on Golfview Crossing in the Heron Bay subdivision in Locust Grove near the Spalding County Line.
A witness told Channel 2’s Carl Willis the couple had an argument and that Feltman had been looking for the victim.
Henry County police said Pope was about four months pregnant had walked away from their home.
Initial statements seemed to indicate that he just come upon her in the roadway. Investigating officers had initially believed someone else had struck her. According to Henry County police Maj. Jason Bolton Feltman denied hitting Pope.
But based on other interviews, physical evidence that was collected at the scene, police believe his actions were intentional.
Police said a gathering of some sort was being held at the couple’s home before the incident took place.
WKEU news would like to thank WSB TV Chanel 2 News for their assistance in this news story.
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